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A Blog for CHANGE!


Updated: Apr 27, 2022


A word that holds a lot of power especially since the beginning of the Covid era. So however, as shitty as a situation like this is for anyone who's in it or been in it before I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be in my life right now. I'm continuously learning lessons that I didn't know I needed to learn. I'm learning to recognize the true colors of people. I've learned that subconsciously shut myself off from my emotions and what happens when I do. Nothing good I can tell you that. Being homeless without a car is a much different experience. A car could at least be a shelter if there's nowhere else to go.

In lieu of all the unplanned changes that 2020 brought us, now more than ever is the most important time than ever to shake it up and bring about some positive changes. I have to remember to think about the steps it takes to reach my goals and focus less on what the bigger picture is. I realize that if i spend more of my time and energy on those steps I need to take then maybe the bigger picture will paint itself. Right?

So I dedicate this book to everyone reading this. In hopes that it helps bring positive light in your journey of self reflection and your growth from the steps you take in getting out of any rut you my be in and knock out all the negativity that surrounds you. I myself have never wanted change as bad as i do now. It time for something to give because im mentally and physically exhausted.

I know in my heart that if I can prove to myself that i can make these changes so can you. Anyone of us can if we want it bad enough.

Just remember to make these changes not for anyone else but for yourself.

" All behaviors are learned. The choice to change behavior is always there. You have the power to move from a reactive mode to a creative one. When you take the observers perspective. As the observer you realize you DSO NOT NEED TO let what is going on around you affect how you feel within. When you find in an emotional state you have the choice to create a better outcome rather then react to a default outcome"




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